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In the May 2020 UnConference and Annual Meeting there was consensus that in addition to our monthly Happy Hours (social time) and Online Journal Club (thinking time) oCUBE members would like to stay in touch between UnConferences via regular online sessions to share ideas, resources, and generally to keep the community together. A few members struck an ad hoc committee to get this initiative started.

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The Virtual Events Committee's role is organizational in nature; that is, to collect ideas for future sessions from the oCUBE community, organize the scheduling for the sessions and to inform oCUBE about upcoming sessions. We may 'step in' occasionally to facilitate a session if a topic is of interest to the community if a facilitator is not readily available. 

Virtual Events

Happy Hours

The oCUBE "Happy Hour" is back by popular demand. Happy Hours are usually held in late afternoon (ET) the last Friday of the month. Here, members can meet (virtually of course), kick back, connect, and relax. It's "bring your own beverage" and snacks. All are welcome to join! Want to receive the newsletter with updates of upcoming Happy Hours and links? Email

To suggest a topic for a future Virtual Event, click below

Learning Sessions

BeeTween Us

Podcast Discussions

Nov 2022 & Jan 2023

Shares & Supports

October 2020

Fix My Sh$t!

September 2020

oCUBE is partnered with

Open Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators is a non-profit. 

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