The CCUBC - oCUBE Emerging Educational Leader (EEL) AwardThis award recognizes outstanding contributions to biology education at a post-secondary institution in Canada. In recognition of the key importance of educational leadership in enhancing the teaching mission and student experience in biology education at higher education institutions in Canada, this award is presented jointly by the Canadian Council of University Biology Chairs (CCUBC) and the Open Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators (oCUBE). Award OverviewThis award celebrates emerging educational leaders who have made important contributions to the teaching and learning of biology at their institutions. This may be demonstrated in many ways, including, but not limited to:
Eligibility CriteriaThe EEL award is intended for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, or sessional lecturers who are emerging educational leaders in biology departments in Canada; however, given the diverse range of positions and career entry points for biology educators, it may be easier to define who is not eligible for this award: specifically, it is not intended for individuals with full-time tenure-track or continuing (long term, renewable) positions. This award recognizes individuals who are emerging educational leaders and recognizes the importance of nurturing their development to be future educators, colleagues and leaders in biology departments, who will excel in their academic careers, including teaching-focused roles in our institutions, and be key contributors to scholarly communities such as oCUBE. An award recipient cannot be re-nominated for the award. Award BenefitsRecipients of the EEL Award enjoy:
Nomination and Selection ProcessCandidates can be nominated by peers, institutions, or through self-nomination. A panel of educators, previous award winners, and Biology Department Chairs (from the CCUBC executive) will evaluate all nominations to select the award recipient. One recipient is chosen each year. Nominations for 2025-2026 will open in March 2025 and will be due May 31st, 2025. The award announcement will be communicated by oCUBE and CCUBC at the end of August 2025. Nominations must include:
*In the case of a self-nomination, the nomination brief is replaced by a nominee statement that summarizes the impact of their contributions to the teaching and learning of biology. To submit a nomination package, please email: with the Subject Line: CCUBC- oCUBE EEL Award by May 31st, 2025. Evaluation CriteriaNominees will be assessed on: 1. The impact of their contributions to teaching and learning in biology, [Evidence: nomination brief OR a nominee statement that summarizes the impact of their contributions to the teaching and learning of biology, CV, letters of reference] and 2. Their potential as future leaders for the promotion of excellence in teaching and learning in biology at the university level [Evidence: statement of educational leadership in biology written by the nominee, CV, letters of reference] |