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oCUBE is coordinated by an elected group of members who are part of Standing Committees and/or the Executive Committee. Chairs of Standing Committees (including Ad hoc committees) are part of the Executive Committee. 

We may be an official entity with committee members, but fundamentally, oCUBE is a Community of Practice; we rely on individual members to help keep our community useful and thriving. We welcome and depend upon member ideas, input, and feedback!

Executive Committee


1-year term – The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization. She/he/they shall call a monthly meeting and preside all meetings of the Executive, will chair the Annual General Meeting, and provide general oversight to the activities of the Organization. The President is an ex officio member of all committees and is the individual normally to speak on behalf of the Organization. The President will be responsible for external relations with other organizations. The President will be familiar with both these Bylaws, and the Canada Not-for-profit Corporation Act and will ensure the Organization applies the provisions within each where appropriate.

The President shall provide leadership, inspiration and strategic direction to the Organization, always respecting the historic grass-roots origins of the Organization as a collaborative community of practice. In this regard the President shall serve equally as facilitator and community member in her/his/their leadership, working collaboratively with the Executive and other members of the Organization to achieve the Organization’s goals.


1-year term – The Vice-President will work with and provide assistance to the President. In the absence or disability of the President, she/he/they shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him/her from time to time by the Executive. She/he/they will also serve as President-in-waiting and will replace the President in the following year.


1-year term – The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Executive, and all business meetings of the Organization, and shall record all votes and minutes of all proceedings. She/he/they shall give notice of all meetings of the Executive and Organization and shall perform the duties outlined in the By-Laws or as laid down by the Executive. She/he/they shall keep a record of the members of the Organization, its Officers and committees, which she/he/they shall periodically publish. She/he/they shall be responsible for receiving notices and reports from Officers, committees, and members and ensure that the notices and reports are appropriately distributed.


1-year term – The Vice-Secretary will work with and provide assistance to the Secretary. In the absence or disability of the Secretary, she/he/they shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Secretary and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him/her from time to time by the Executive. She/he/they will also serve as Secretary-in-waiting and will replace the Secretary in the following year.


1-year term – The Treasurer will have charge and custody of all funds of this Organization, deposit the funds as required by the Executive, receive membership fees, keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Organization's properties and business transactions, ensure that Canada Revenue Agency filings are prompt and accurate, and render reports and accountings to the Executive and to the members as required by the Executive or by the members or by law. The Treasurer will perform in general all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and any other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, by these By-Laws, or which may be assigned by the Executive.


1-year term – The Vice-Treasurer will work with and provide assistance to the Vice-Treasurer. In the absence or disability of the Treasurer, she/he/they shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Treasurer, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him/her from time to time by the Executive. She/he/they will also serve as Treasurer-in-waiting and will replace the Treasurer in the following year.

Standing Committees

Communication Committee

1-year term This Committee will be responsible for maintaining and posting communications via the website, journal club, listserv, twitter account and newsletter. The Communications Chair will maintain and oversee the Organization’s email account, chair and oversee the Communications Committee, participate in regular executive committee meetings and ensure timely implementation of the communication strategy for the Organization.

UnConference Committee

1-year term – This Committee will be responsible for the coordination of the Annual UnConference and the December Meeting. Planning, coordination, pre-conference polling all fall under the responsibilities of this committee. The outgoing Chair is expected to sit on this committee in the subsequent term as an ex officio member and to provide guidance.

Throughout the year, this committee will meet monthly with more regular meetings (twice a month) in November, December, and April.

Membership, Recruitment and EDI Committee

1-year term – This Committee will be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date membership list to be provided to the Secretary; recruiting, welcoming and providing orientation of new members; soliciting nominations for Officers and committee positions; and organizing any required elections for these positions. Aiding in maintaining the oCUBE website’s membership would also fall into the roles of this committee. Additionally, the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) subcommittee was created in 2020 and became part of the Membership & Recruitment committee. The initial focus of this subcommittee was to write the EDI statement, and future focus of this committee will be to promote EDI initiatives within and outside oCUBE. A vice-chair is appointed each year and is expected to serve a second term as chair. 

Throughout the year, this committee will meet monthly to meet requests from the Executive, with more regular meetings around the periods of membership renewal (April) and December/May meetings.

oCUBE is partnered with

Open Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators is a non-profit. 

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