Dec UnConference Program
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Interactive teaching for a big class.
Facilitator: Sura Ali, University of Waterloo
10:30 AM
From Novelty to Normal: What Do We Do After Generative AI Has Been Integrated Into Our Large Introductory Biology Courses?
Facilitators: Kenneth Yip and Chris Garside, University of Toronto
11:00 AM
11:15 AM
Embracing the AI revolution.
Facilitator: Daniel Jeffery, Western University
11:45 AM
Experiences using the "Friends without Pens" Testing Strategy.
Facilitator: Nicole Nivillac, York University
12:15 PM
Meet the oCUBE Executive.
Find out what they do and see how you could contribute to oCUBE.
12:30 PM
1:15 PM
Specifications Grading in a Large Enrollment Lab Course - Lessons Learned.
Facilitators: Ana Tomljenov-Berube and Devon Jones, McMaster University
1:45 PM
Carrot or stick? How to increase attendance in seminar style course
Facilitator: Christoph Richter, University of Toronto
2:15 PM
2:30 PM
Group work: tips to make it tick.
Facilitator: Naomi Levy-Strumpf, University of Toronto
3:00 PM
Are multiple grading schemes worth it?
Facilitator: Maddy Rosamond, University of Waterloo
3:30 PM
The 3 C;s - Compassion, Communication, Connections. Ways to provide open & safe spaces for our students to share their concerns, dreams, and hopes in teaching & learning settings.
Facilitator: Lovaye Kajiura, McMaster University
4:00 PM
Farewells, Goodbyes, see you in May 2024!
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Open Consortium of Undergraduate Biology Educators is a non-profit.